Deposit-Based Pension Scheme (DPS) Saving for the future is like a pension that you earn throughout your life. Small monthly savings can turn into a flood of relief and benefits after a few years. DPS DAM Foundation for Economic Development (DFED) aims to build a large sum from small regular deposits. It offers competitive interest rates and affordable payouts to our customers. You simply save on a monthly basis and receive a handsome amount at maturity. As a notable feature, DFED DPS offers you a full maturity benefit for the term that has just ended, even if you withdraw money before the desired date. DPS is an instalment savings deposit (on a monthly basis) meant for a particular client. In this account, a client deposits a certain amount of money for a certain period. And at the end of the term, they will pay an amount agreed with the client. At the same time, the applicant must choose a term and the amount of monthly deposits. To open a DPS account, the client will have to fill out a form provided by the MFI to provide information about him/her, including information about the beneficiary of the account and the following documents: Account holder's identification document.